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Fundamental Journal of Modern Physics

ISSN: 2249-9768
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 91-155


Modification of structure and magnetic characteristics of thin films and management of spin current with laser radiation
Author(s): M. M. Krupa
Pages: 91-124
Spintronic belongs to one of the most and quickly developing area of science and technology, which is based on the control by processes of transfer of spin current between the elements of electronic devices. Researches of a spin dependent transport and spin relaxation in solids, search of new materials with the high degree of an electron spin polarization and development of methods for active control of spin states in solid-state circuits constitute the main directions of the spintronics.

For creation of high-frequency elements of spintronics it is necessary high-speed systems for controlling by a spatially localized magnetization. Solution of this problem with the help of conventional magnetic systems is over specified. Interesting, possibility of the magnetization control in heterogeneous magnetic nanostructures can be realized via spin current. The promising method for excitation of such spin current in multi-layered magnetic nanostructures constitutes in their irradiation by nano- and picosecond laser pulses. Such short laser pulses allow to get a large spin current along a laser beam and to induce the effective internal magnetic field of the inverse magneto-optical Faraday effect, that provide ultra-speed magnetic switching in the magnetic nanostructures. At powerful enough laser pulses, reversal times can not exceed a few picoseconds.

In the presented work, we have researched mechanisms of the laser-induced reversal magnetization in single-layered and three-layered tunnel magnetic nanofilms Tb19Co5Fe76/Pr6O11/Tb22Co5Fe73 and Co80Fe20/Pr6O11/Co30Fe70 under nano and picosecond laser pulse radiation. It is shown the role of the laser-induced spin current in magnetic transformation in the magnetic nanofilms and possibility of fast magnetic reversal in these nanostructures under ultra-short polarized laser pulses that can be used in the novel spintronic devices.

Keywords and phrases

laser radiation, photon drag effect, multi-layered magnetic nanofilms, spin current, spintronic.


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